Conserve Cash - Pay As You Go Your profits come from using equipment, not from owning equipment. When you lease new or improved machinery and equipment, your working capital is not reduced. The cash remains in your bank account for financing inventory, receivables or other business use. |
Long-term, Fixed Financing Your monthly payment is locked in for up to seven years (with approved credit). You don't have to worry about rising interest rates. |
Deductible Business Expense Lease payments may be fully deductible for income tax purposes. |
Trade in, Trade up When existing equipment is no longer keeping pace with your growing business, CHD, inc offers trade in/trade up assistance. |
Obsolescence Protection Leasing helps you keep your production facilities up-to-date and ahead of the competition. Leases may be tailored to terminate when equipment becomes obsolete, thus matching expenditures with income. |
Improve Credit History Leasing improves your credit standing with suppliers and banks because it gives you the cash to discount payables and may improve your balance sheet ratios. |
6 reasons CHD offers the best leasing options in the industry:
- Experience- CHD has financed equipment since 1991.
- No-nonsense, competitive rates every day.
- Aggressive credit policies.
- Flexible, no penalty trade-up programs during the term of a lease.
- Flexible terms for adding additional equipment.
- You work directly with the financing source.
At the end of the day, it's your bottom line that will determine your success. To help you keep costs in control and maximize profits, CHD is ready to work with you. We will communicate your leasing options and terms in clear, concise detail illustrating every step of the process for you. |